“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”
Ongoing training and education is the key to improving our skills as professionals, clinicians and individuals. I have experience and expertise in the areas of LGBT issues for adolescents and adults, as well as areas of trauma and addiction and cultural competency.
A sample of previous training experience
- Somatic Psychotherapy: Using Mindfulness and the body to Tell the Story | Greater Washington Clinical Social Worker Society
- The Body Tells a Story: Trauma and the Body | NOVA Clinical Social Workers
- Mindfulness and Addiction: Using Mindfulness to Manage Addiction and Compulsions | Whitman Walker Addiction Services
- Addressing the Needs of LGBTQ Youth: Clinical Information and Interventions for Providers | STICC Conference
- Queer Eye for the Straight Therapist: A Guide for Therapists Working with LGBT Clients | Psychiatric Institute of Washington Grande Rounds
- Working with Children and Adolescents and the Issues of Sex and Sexuality | University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work
- LGBT Youth in the Public School System: Issues and Interventions | Hawk One, DC public School Security Guards
- Cultural Competency for Psychiatric Hospital Staff | The Psychiatric Institute of Washington
2005 and 2006
- Issues and Interventions When Working with LGBT Youth | District of Columbia Family Court